/* global Service */
'use strict';
(function(exports) {
* ActivityWindowManager manages the activity window instances.
* Currently it's only responsible to kill an existing
* activity window if the next creating instance has the same
* manifestURL + pageURL.
* @class ActivityWindowManager
function ActivityWindowManager() {
ActivityWindowManager.prototype = {
* The list of all current running activity window instances.
* @access private
* @type {Array}
* @memberof ActivityWindowManager.prototype
_activities: [],
* Register all event handlers.
* @memberof ActivityWindowManager.prototype
start: function acwf_start() {
if (this._started) {
this._started = true;
this.activityPool = new Map();
window.addEventListener('activityopened', this);
window.addEventListener('popupopened', this);
window.addEventListener('appopened', this);
window.addEventListener('activityrequesting', this);
window.addEventListener('activitycreated', this);
window.addEventListener('activityterminated', this);
* Unregister all event handlers.
* @memberof ActivityWindowManager.prototype
stop: function acwf_stop() {
if (!this._started) {
this._started = false;
this.activityPool = null;
window.removeEventListener('activityopened', this);
window.removeEventListener('popupopened', this);
window.removeEventListener('appopened', this);
window.removeEventListener('activityrequesting', this);
window.removeEventListener('activitycreated', this);
window.removeEventListener('activityterminated', this);
* Put all window ID which is involved in an activity here.
* XXX: This is a workaround of bug 931339.
* @type {Map}
activityPool: null,
* Activity Config
* @typedef {Object} ActivityConfig
* @property {String} manifestURL The manifestURL of the activity
* @property {String} url The URL of the activity handling page
* @property {Boolean} isActivity
* @property {Boolean} inline The disposition of the activty is inline
* or not
handleEvent: function acwf_handleEvent(evt) {
switch (evt.type) {
// XXX: Workaround of bug 931339.
// We are maintaining only one chain of activities here
// in this.activityPool.
// If the next coming activity request does not belong
// to the previous pool,
// kill all the background inline activities.
case 'popupopened':
case 'activityopened':
case 'appopened':
var app = evt.detail;
var parent = app.callerWindow ||
app.bottomWindow ||
if (parent && this.activityPool.has(parent.instanceID)) {
// We don't really care about the instance context,
// so we set the value to a boolean.
this.activityPool.set(app.instanceID, true);
case 'popupterminated':
case 'appterminated':
case 'activityrequesting':
// The request may come from the top most window
// or the system app, but we don't care here.
var caller = Service.query('getTopMostWindow');
if (!this.activityPool.size) {
this.activityPool.set(caller.instanceID, true);
} else {
if (!this.activityPool.has(caller.instanceID)) {
// A new request from a new chain,
// kill all the background.
this._activities.forEach(function iterator(activity, index) {
if (!activity.getBottomMostWindow().isActive() ||
!activity.isActive()) {
}, this);
this.activityPool.set(caller.instanceID, true);
case 'activityterminated':
this._activities.some(function iterator(activity, index) {
if (activity.instanceID === evt.detail.instanceID) {
this._activities.splice(index, 1);
return true;
}, this);
case 'activitycreated':
exports.ActivityWindowManager = ActivityWindowManager;