'use strict';
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(function(exports) {
* CardsHelper provides utilities and helper methods
* for dealing with task manager / card view and their cards
* @module CardsHelper
function getIconURIForApp(app, maxSize) {
if (!app) {
return null;
var icons = app.manifest && app.manifest.icons;
var iconPath;
if (icons) {
var sizes = Object.keys(icons).map(function parse(str) {
return parseInt(str, 10);
sizes.sort(function(x, y) { return y - x; });
iconPath = icons[0]; // The biggest icon available
for (var i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
var size = sizes[i];
if (size < maxSize) {
iconPath = icons[size];
} else {
iconPath = app.icon;
if (!iconPath) {
return null;
if (iconPath.charAt(0) === '/') {
// We need to resolve iconPath as a relative url to origin, since
// origin can be a full url in some apps.
var base = new URL(app.origin);
var port = base.port ? (':' + base.port) : '';
iconPath = base.protocol + '//' + base.hostname + port + iconPath;
return iconPath;
function getOffOrigin(src, origin) {
// Use src and origin as cache key
src = src || origin;
var cacheKey = JSON.stringify(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
if (!getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey]) {
var native = new URL(origin);
var current = new URL(src);
if (current.protocol == 'http:') {
// Display http:// protocol anyway
getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey] = current.protocol + '//' +
} else if (native.protocol == current.protocol &&
native.hostname == current.hostname &&
native.port == current.port) {
// Same origin policy
getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey] = '';
} else if (current.protocol == 'app:') {
// Avoid displaying app:// protocol
getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey] = '';
} else {
getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey] = current.protocol + '//' +
return getOffOrigin.cache[cacheKey];
getOffOrigin.cache = {};
exports.CardsHelper = {
getIconURIForApp: getIconURIForApp,
getOffOrigin: getOffOrigin