'use strict';
/* global HomescreenWindow, BaseModule */
(function() {
* HomescreenLauncher is responsible for launching the homescreen window
* instance and make sure it's a singleton.
* Every extermal modules should use
* <code>Service.query('getHomescreen')</code>
* to access the homescreen window instance.
* @example
* var home = Service.query('getHomescreen');
* home.open(); // Do the open animation.
* @class HomescreenLauncher
* @requires HomescreenWindow
var HomescreenLauncher = function() {
HomescreenLauncher.EVENTS = [
HomescreenLauncher.SETTINGS = [
HomescreenLauncher.SERVICES = [
* Fired when homescreen launcher detect 'homescreen.manifestURL' changed
* @event HomescreenLauncher#homescreen-changed
* Fired when homescreen launcher is done retriving 'homescreen.manifestURL'
* @event HomescreenLauncher#homescreen-ready
BaseModule.create(HomescreenLauncher, {
name: 'HomescreenLauncher',
_currentManifestURL: '',
EVENT_PREFIX: 'homescreen-',
_instance: undefined,
'_observe_homescreen.manifestURL': function(value) {
var previousManifestURL = this._currentManifestURL;
this._currentManifestURL = value;
if (typeof(this._instance) !== 'undefined') {
if (previousManifestURL !== '' &&
previousManifestURL !== this._currentManifestURL) {
this._instance = new HomescreenWindow(value);
// Dispatch 'homescreen is changed' event.
} else {
* Stop process
* @memberOf HomescreenLauncher.prototype
_stop: function hl_stop() {
if (typeof(this._instance) !== 'undefined') {
// XXX: After landing of bug 976986, we should move action of
// cleaing _instance into a deregister function of
// onRetrievingHomescreenManifestURL
// see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=976998
this._instance = undefined;
this._currentManifestURL = '';
_handle_appopening: function(evt) {
// Fade out homescreen if the opening app is landscape.
if (evt.detail.rotatingDegree === 90 ||
evt.detail.rotatingDegree === 270) {
_handle_appopened: function(evt) {
_handle_keyboardchange: function(evt) {
// Fade out the homescreen, so that it won't be seen when showing/
// hiding/switching keyboard.
'_handle_shrinking-start': function(evt) {
// To hide the homescreen overlay while we set the background behind
// it due to the shrinking UI.
'_handle_shrinking-stop': function(evt) {
// To resume the homescreen after shrinking UI is over.
'_handle_software-button-enabled': function() {
var homescreen = this.getHomescreen();
homescreen && homescreen.resize();
'_handle_software-button-disabled': function() {
var homescreen = this.getHomescreen();
homescreen && homescreen.resize();
* This service will be requested by Launcher.
* @param {String} manifestURL The manifest URL of homescreen
* @param {Boolean} openOnStart If this is true,
* we will open the window right away
launch: function(manifestURL, openOnStart) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this._currentManifestURL = manifestURL;
this._instance.element.addEventListener('_loaded', function loaded(){
this._instance.element.removeEventListener('_loaded', loaded);
openOnStart && this._instance.open();
* Get instance of homescreen window singleton
* @memberOf HomescreenLauncher.prototype
* @params {Boolean} ensure Ensure the homescreen app is alive.
* @returns {HomescreenWindow} Instance of homescreen window singleton, or
* null if HomescreenLauncher is not ready
getHomescreen: function hl_getHomescreen(ensure) {
if (this._currentManifestURL === '') {
console.warn('HomescreenLauncher: not ready right now.');
return null;
if (typeof this._instance == 'undefined') {
this._instance = new window.HomescreenWindow(this._currentManifestURL);
return this._instance;
} else {
if (ensure) {
return this._instance;