'use strict';
/*global applications, Service, AppWindow */
(function(window) {
* WrapperFactory deals with opening a window for bookmarked web page.
* Usually the request is coming from homescreen app.
* @module WrapperFactory
var WrapperFactory = {
name: 'WrapperFactory',
start: function() {
window.addEventListener('mozbrowseropenwindow', this, true);
Service.registerState('isLaunchingWindow', this);
stop: function() {
window.removeEventListener('mozbrowseropenwindow', this, true);
isLaunchingWindow: function() {
return !!this._launchingApp;
forgetLastLaunchingWindow: function() {
if (this._launchingApp && this._launchingApp.element) {
this._launchingApp.element.removeEventListener('_opened', this);
this._launchingApp.element.removeEventListener('_terminated', this);
this._launchingApp = null;
handleEvent: function wf_handleEvent(evt) {
if (evt.type === '_opened' || evt.type === '_terminated') {
if (this._launchingApp === evt.detail) {
var detail = evt.detail;
// If it's a normal window.open request, ignore.
if (typeof detail.features !== 'string') {
// Turn ',' separated 'key=value' string into object for easy access
var features = detail.features
.reduce(function(acc, feature) {
feature = feature
.map(function(featureElem) { return featureElem.trim(); });
if (feature.length !== 2) {
return acc;
acc[decodeURIComponent(feature[0])] = decodeURIComponent(feature[1]);
return acc;
}, {});
// Handles only call to window.open with `remote=true` feature.
if (!('remote' in features) || features.remote !== 'true') {
var callerOrigin;
// Examine permission
// XXX: Ask app window about this.
// We can skip the permission check for events against the system window.
if (evt.target !== window) {
var callerIframe = evt.target;
var manifestURL = callerIframe.getAttribute('mozapp');
var callerApp = applications.getByManifestURL(manifestURL);
if (!this.hasPermission(callerApp, 'open-remote-window')) {
callerOrigin = callerApp.origin;
} else {
callerOrigin = location.origin;
// So, we are going to open a remote window.
var name = detail.name;
var url = detail.url;
var app;
// Use fake origin for named windows in order to be able to reuse them,
// otherwise always open a new window for '_blank'.
var origin = null;
if (name == '_blank') {
// If we already have a browser and we receive an open request,
// display it in the current browser frame.
var activeApp = Service.query('AppWindowManager.getActiveWindow');
if (activeApp && (activeApp.isBrowser() || activeApp.isSearch())) {
origin = url;
app = Service.query('AppWindowManager.getApp', origin);
// Just bring on top if a wrapper window is
// already running with this url.
if (app && app.windowName == '_blank') {
this.publish('launchapp', { origin: origin });
} else {
origin = 'window:' + name + ',source:' + callerOrigin;
app = Service.query('AppWindowManager.getApp', origin);
if (app && app.windowName === name) {
if (app.iframe.src === url) {
// If the url is already loaded, just display the app
this.publish('launchapp', { origin: origin });
} else {
// Wrapper context shouldn't be shared between two apps -> killing
this.publish('killapp', { origin: origin });
// TODO: Put this into browser_config_helper.
var browser_config = this.generateBrowserConfig(features);
// If we don't reuse an existing app, open a brand new one
browser_config.url = url;
browser_config.origin = origin;
browser_config.windowName = name;
if (!browser_config.title) {
browser_config.title = url;
if (Service.query('MultiScreenController.enabled')) {
Service.request('chooseDisplay', browser_config)
.catch(this.launchWrapper.bind(this, browser_config));
} else {
launchWrapper: function wf_launchWrapper(config) {
var app = Service.query('AppWindowManager.getApp', config.origin);
if (!app) {
config.chrome = {
scrollable: true
} else {
this.publish('launchapp', { origin: config.origin });
trackLauchingWindow: function(config) {
this._launchingApp = new AppWindow(config);
this._launchingApp.element.addEventListener('_opened', this);
this._launchingApp.element.addEventListener('_terminated', this);
hasPermission: function wf_hasPermission(app, permission) {
var mozPerms = navigator.mozPermissionSettings;
if (!mozPerms) {
return false;
var value = mozPerms.get(permission, app.manifestURL, app.origin, false);
return (value === 'allow');
generateBrowserConfig: function wf_generateBrowserConfig(features) {
var config = {};
config.title = features.name;
config.icon = features.icon || '';
if ('originName' in features) {
config.originName = features.originName;
config.originURL = features.originUrl;
if ('searchName' in features) {
config.searchName = features.searchName;
config.searchURL = features.searchUrl;
if ('remote' in features) {
config.oop = true;
return config;
publish: function wf_publish(event, detail) {
var evt = new CustomEvent(event, { detail: detail });
window.WrapperFactory = WrapperFactory;