Observable provides ways of defining properties that the value changes of them can be observed. In addition to normal properties, it allows to create read-only properties and dependency properties.
Observable creation: There are two ways of defining an Observable: object literal or extending from Observable. Object literal is useful when defining a singleton or you want to create an observable easily.
- Source:
var observable = Observable({
prop: 10,
func: function() {}
Extending from Observable allow you to define a class of Observable. The
advantage of this compared to object literal is that the accessers are
shared across all instances of the class. The syntax compatible with the
javascript prototype definition.
var ExtendedObservable = Module.create(function ExtendedObservable() {
Observable.defineObservableProperty(ExtendedObservable.prototype, 'prop',
value: 10
ExtendedObservable.prototype.func = function() {};
// Extend from NewObservable
var ExtendedObservable2 = Module.create(function() {
// constructor
ExtendedObservable2.prototype, 'prop2',
value: 20
var observable = ExtendedObservable2();
console.log(observable.prop); // 10
console.log(observable.prop2); // 20
Defining a read-only property:
This is only supported when extending from Observable. When you define a
read-only property, an internal property with a '_' prefix is defined at
the same time so you can still change the value inside the observable.
Observable.defineObservableProperty(ExtendedObservable.prototype, 'prop',
readonly: true,
value: 10
ExtendedObservable.prototype.inc = function() {
this._prop = 100;
var observable = new ExtendedObservable();
observable.prop = 100; // throws an exception
observable.inc(); // observers on "prop" are called
Defining a dependency property:
This is only supported when extending from Observable. You provide a list
of the dependent properties and when each of them changes, the observsers
on the defined property are called. Dependency properties are read-only and
their values are determined by the specified getter.
Observable.defineObservableProperty(ExtendedObservable.prototype, 'prop',
value: 10
ExtendedObservable.prototype, 'prop2',
value: 20
ExtendedObservable.prototype, 'dependencyProp',
dependency: ['prop', 'prop2'],
get: function() {
return this.prop + this.prop2;
var observable = new ExtendedObservable();
observable.prop = 100; // observers on "dependencyProp" are called
observable.prop2 = 200; // observers on "dependencyProp" are called
// observable.dependencyProp is 300.