* WifiContext is a singleton that you can easily use it to fetch
* some shared data across different panels
* @module WifiContext
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
// modules / helpers
var SettingsCache = require('modules/settings_cache');
var WifiHelper = require('shared/wifi_helper');
var wifiManager = WifiHelper.getWifiManager();
var settings = Settings.mozSettings;
// observed objects
var _currentNetwork =
wifiManager && wifiManager.connection && wifiManager.connection.network;
var WifiContext = {
* These listeners would be called when wifi is enabled
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiEnabledListeners: [],
* These listeners would be called when wifi is disabled
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiDisabledListeners: [],
* These listeners would be called when wifi is changed
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiStatusChangeListeners: [],
* These listeners would be called when
* 1. localized
* 2. wifi is enabled
* 3. wifi is changed
* 4. wifi is disabled
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiStatusTextChangeListeners: [],
* These listeners would be called when the current wifi
* information is updated
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiConnectionInfoUpdateListeners: [],
* These listeners would be called when
* 1. wifi connection failed
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {Array}
_wifiWrongPasswordListeners: [],
* Desc about customized wifi status
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {String}
_wifiStatusText: { id: null },
* Mac address
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @type {String}
_macAddress: '',
* Init is used to initialize some basic stuffs
* @memberOf WifiContext
_init: function() {
if (!wifiManager) {
// Set wifi.enabled so that it mirrors the state of the hardware.
// wifi.enabled is not an ordinary user setting because the system
// turns it on and off when wifi goes up and down.
settings.createLock().set({'wifi.enabled': wifiManager.enabled});
// we would call _updateWifi() when init
* We will bind some default listeners here
* @memberOf WifiContext
_bindEvents: function() {
var self = this;
var _updateWifi = this._updateWifi.bind(this);
var _updateNetworkStatus = this._updateNetworkStatus.bind(this);
// make sure we would update anything when wifi got changed
this._wifiEnabledListeners.push(_updateWifi, _updateNetworkStatus);
this._wifiStatusChangeListeners.push(_updateWifi, _updateNetworkStatus);
// Now register callbacks to track the state of the wifi hardware
if (wifiManager) {
wifiManager.onenabled = function(event) {
wifiManager.ondisabled = function(event) {
wifiManager.onstatuschange = function(event) {
self._wifiStatusChange.call(self, event);
wifiManager.onconnectioninfoupdate =
* We will update mac address, wifiStatus when wifi is updated
* @memberOf WifiContext
_updateWifi: function(event) {
var self = this;
if (!wifiManager) {
// If the MAC address is in the Settings database, it's already
// displayed in all `MAC address' fields; if not, it will be set as soon
// as the Wi-Fi is enabled (see `storeMacAddress').
if (!this._macAddress && settings) {
SettingsCache.getSettings(function(results) {
self._macAddress = results['deviceinfo.mac'];
if (wifiManager.enabled) {
// reflect latest value of wifiStatus
* We will update mac address, wifiStatus when wifi is updated
* @memberOf WifiContext
_updateWifiStatusText: function(event) {
if (wifiManager.enabled) {
var network = (event && event.network) ? event.network :
var status = event ? event.status : wifiManager.connection.status;
var networkProp = network ? {ssid: network.ssid} : null;
this._wifiStatusText =
{ id: 'fullStatus-' + status,
args: networkProp };
} else {
this._wifiStatusText =
{ id: 'disabled' };
* We need to handle network status when wifi is enabled / wifistatus
* is changed.
* _currentNetwork: user activated current network
* wifiManager.connection.network: system activated current network
* Main difference between |_currentNetwork| and |wifiManager.connection.
* network| is that we can't tell if network is known while connecting by
* |wifiManager.connectiohn.network.known| because it will always be true.
* Instead, we use |_currentNetwork| to indicate if current connecting
* network is new or known network.
* When system connect to network by user's tap on UI, |_currentNetwork|
* will point to same network as |wifiManager.connection.network|.
* On the other hand, if system connect to network automatically under
* conditions like wifi enable, move into AP's range, or reconnect to
* other network after delete current connected network, |_currentNetwork|
* will be null, while |wifiManager.connection.network| contains
* information about current network.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_updateNetworkStatus: function(event) {
if (!_currentNetwork) {
if (event && event.network &&
_currentNetwork.ssid != event.network.ssid) {
var networkStatus = event ? event.status : wifiManager.connection.status;
if (networkStatus === 'connectingfailed') {
if (_currentNetwork.known === false) {
// Connection fail on user-activated unknown network, should be wrong
// password, delete network and force a new authentication dialog.
* When wifi is enabled, we will make sure the mozSettings is sync
* with hardward status and call all registered listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiEnabled: function(event) {
var self = this;
this._syncWifiEnabled(true, function() {
self._wifiEnabledListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* When wifi is disabled, we will make sure the mozSettings is sync
* with hardward status and call all registered listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiDisabled: function(event) {
var self = this;
this._syncWifiEnabled(false, function() {
self._wifiDisabledListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* When wifi's status is changed, we will call all registered listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiStatusChange: function(event) {
this._wifiStatusChangeListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* When text of wifiStatus is changed, we will call all registered
* listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiStatusTextChange: function() {
this._wifiStatusTextChangeListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* When wifi connection fails, we will call all registered
* listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiWrongPassword: function() {
this._wifiWrongPasswordListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* When wifi's connection is updated, we will call all registered listeners.
* @memberOf WifiContext
_wifiConnectionInfoUpdate: function(event) {
this._wifiConnectionInfoUpdateListeners.forEach(function(listener) {
* Keep mac address in mozSettings
* @memberOf WifiContext
_storeMacAddress: function() {
if (!wifiManager) {
// Store the MAC address in the Settings database. Note: the wifiManager
// sets macAddress to the string `undefined' when it is not available.
if (settings && wifiManager.macAddress &&
wifiManager.macAddress !== this._macAddress &&
wifiManager.macAddress !== 'undefined') {
this._macAddress = wifiManager.macAddress;
settings.createLock().set({ 'deviceinfo.mac': this._macAddress });
* Keep the setting in sync with the hardware state. We need to do this
* because b2g/dom/wifi/WifiWorker.js can turn the hardware on and off.
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @param {Boolean} enabled
* @param {Function} callback
_syncWifiEnabled: function(enabled, callback) {
SettingsCache.getSettings(function(results) {
var wifiEnabled = results['wifi.enabled'];
if (wifiEnabled !== enabled) {
settings.createLock().set({'wifi.enabled': enabled});
* This is an internal function that can help us find out the matched
* callback from catched listeners and remove it
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @param {Array} listeners
* @param {Function} callback
_removeEventListener: function(listeners, callback) {
var index = listeners.indexOf(callback);
if (index >= 0) {
listeners.splice(index, 1);
* This is a wrapper of WifiManger.associate to make sure we can handle
* our internal status at the same time.
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @param {Object} network
* @param {Function} callback
associateNetwork: function(network, cb) {
cb = cb || function() {};
var request = wifiManager.associate(network);
var done = function() {
if (!request.error) {
_currentNetwork = network;
request.onsuccess = done;
request.onerror = done;
* This is a wrapper of WifiManger.forget to make sure we can handle
* our internal status at the same time.
* @memberOf WifiContext
* @param {Object} network
* @param {Function} callback
forgetNetwork: function(network, cb) {
cb = cb || function() {};
var request = wifiManager.forget(network);
var done = function() {
if (!request.error) {
_currentNetwork = null;
request.onsuccess = done;
request.onerror = done;
return {
addEventListener: function(eventName, callback) {
if (eventName === 'wifiEnabled') {
} else if (eventName === 'wifiDisabled') {
} else if (eventName === 'wifiStatusChange') {
} else if (eventName === 'wifiStatusTextChange') {
} else if (eventName === 'wifiWrongPassword') {
} else if (eventName === 'wifiConnectionInfoUpdate') {
removeEventListener: function(eventName, callback) {
if (eventName === 'wifiEnabled') {
WifiContext._wifiEnabledListeners, callback);
} else if (eventName === 'wifiDisabled') {
WifiContext._wifiDisabledListeners, callback);
} else if (eventName === 'wifiStatusChange') {
WifiContext._wifiStatusChangeListeners, callback);
} else if (eventName === 'wifiStatusTextChange') {
WifiContext._wifiStatusTextChangeListeners, callback);
} else if (eventName === 'wifiWrongPassword') {
WifiContext._wifiWrongPasswordListeners, callback);
} else if (eventName === 'wifiConnectionInfoUpdate') {
WifiContext._wifiConnectionInfoUpdateListeners, callback);
get wifiStatusText() {
return WifiContext._wifiStatusText;
get currentNetwork() {
return _currentNetwork;
forgetNetwork: WifiContext.forgetNetwork,
associateNetwork: WifiContext.associateNetwork