/* global URL, MozActivity */
* Handle tone functionality in sound panel
* @module ToneManager
define(function(require) {
'use strict';
var SettingsListener = require('shared/settings_listener');
var SettingsCache = require('modules/settings_cache');
var ForwardLock = require('shared/omadrm/fl');
var ToneManager = function() {
this._elements = null;
this._tones = null;
ToneManager.prototype = {
* initialization.
* @access public
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
init: function tm_init(elements) {
this._elements = elements;
* Initialize the ring tone and alert tone menus.
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
_configureTones: function tm_configureTones() {
// This array has one element for each selectable tone that
// appears in the "Tones" section of ../elements/sound.html.
this._tones = [{
pickType: 'alerttone',
settingsKey: 'notification.ringtone',
allowNone: true, // Allow "None" as a choice for alert tones.
button: this._elements.alertToneSelection,
desc: this._elements.alertToneSelectionDesc
// If we're a telephone, then show the section for ringtones, too.
if (navigator.mozTelephony) {
pickType: 'ringtone',
settingsKey: 'dialer.ringtone',
allowNone: false, // The ringer must always have an actual sound.
button: this._elements.ringToneSelection,
desc: this._elements.ringToneSelectionDesc
this._elements.ringer.hidden = false;
* The button looks like a select element and holds the name of the
* currently-selected tone. Sometimes the name is an l10n ID
* and sometimes it is just text.
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
_renderToneName: function tm_renderToneName(tone, tonename) {
var l10nID = tonename && tonename.l10nID;
if (l10nID) {
tone.desc.setAttribute('data-l10n-id', l10nID);
} else {
tone.desc.textContent = tonename;
* render tone content
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
* @param {Object} tone tone element
* @param {Object} result web activity result
* @param {String} secret sound is playable
_renderTone: function tm_renderTone(tone, result, secret) {
var oldRingtoneName = null;
var l10nId = tone.desc.getAttribute('data-l10n-id');
if (!l10nId) {
oldRingtoneName = tone.desc.textContent;
tone.desc.setAttribute('data-l10n-id', 'saving-tone');
var promise;
var self = this;
// If we got a locked ringtone, we have to unlock it first
if (result.blob.type.split('/')[1] === ForwardLock.mimeSubtype) {
ForwardLock.unlockBlob(secret, result.blob, function(unlocked) {
promise = self._isPlayableTone(unlocked);
} else { // Otherwise we can just use the blob directly.
promise = self._isPlayableTone(result.blob);
promise.then(function(isPlayable) {
if (isPlayable) {
self._setRingtone(tone.settingsKey, result.l10nID,
result.name, result.blob, result.id);
} else {
if (l10nId) {
tone.desc.setAttribute('data-l10n-id', l10nId);
} else {
// remove temp 'saving-tone' l10nId
tone.desc.textContent = oldRingtoneName;
* Call web activity to pick a tone
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
* @param {Object} tone tone element
* @param {Number} currentToneID tone id
* @param {String} secret forwardlock secret key
_pickTone: function tm_pickRingTone(tone, currentToneID, secret) {
var self = this;
var activity = new MozActivity({
name: 'pick',
data: {
type: tone.pickType,
allowNone: tone.allowNone,
currentToneID: currentToneID,
// If we have a secret then there is locked content on the
// phone so include it as a choice for the user
includeLocked: (secret !== null)
activity.onsuccess = function() {
var result = activity.result;
if (!result.blob) {
if (tone.allowNone) {
// If we allow a null blob, then everything is okay
self._setRingtone(tone.settingsKey, result.l10nID, result.name,
result.blob, result.id);
} else {
// Otherwise this is an error and we should not change the
// current setting. (The ringtones app should never return
// a null blob if allowNone is false, but other apps might.)
self._renderTone(tone, result, secret);
* Update Ringtones list.
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
_handleTones: function tm_handleTones() {
// For each kind of tone, hook up the button that will allow the user
// to select a sound for that kind of tone.
this._tones.forEach(function(tone) {
var nameKey = tone.settingsKey + '.name';
var idKey = tone.settingsKey + '.id';
SettingsListener.observe(nameKey, '',
this._renderToneName.bind(this, tone));
var self = this;
// When the user clicks the button, we launch an activity that lets
// the user select new ringtone.
tone.button.addEventListener('click', function() {
// First, get the ID of the currently-selected tone.
SettingsCache.getSettings(function(results) {
var currentToneID = results[idKey];
// Before we can start the Pick activity, we need to know if there
// is locked content on the phone because we don't want the user to
// see "Purchased Media" as a choice if there isn't any purchased
// media on the phone. The ForwardLock secret key is not generated
// until it is needed, so we can use its existance to
// determine whether to show the Purchased Media app.
ForwardLock.getKey(function(secret) {
self._pickTone(tone, currentToneID, secret);
* Save the sound blob in the settings so that other apps can use it.
* Also save the sound name in the db so we can display it in the
* future. And update the button text to the new name now.
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
* @param {String} settingsKey key string
* @param {String} l10nID element l10nID id
* @param {String} toneName element name
* @param {Blob} blob tone blob
* @param {String} id tone id
_setRingtone: function tm_setRingtone(settingsKey, l10nID, toneName,
blob, id) {
var blobKey = settingsKey;
var nameKey = settingsKey + '.name';
var idKey = settingsKey + '.id';
// Update the settings database. This will cause the button
// text to change as well because of the SettingsListener above.
var values = {};
var name = l10nID ? {l10nID : l10nID} : toneName;
values[blobKey] = blob;
values[nameKey] = name || '';
values[idKey] = id;
* Make sure that the blob we got from the activity is actually
* a playable audio file. It would be very bad to set an corrupt
* blob as a ringtone because then the phone wouldn't ring!
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
* @param {Blob} blob tone blob
* @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to the media playable stat
_isPlayableTone: function tm_isPlayableTone(blob) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var player = new Audio();
player.preload = 'metadata';
player.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
player.oncanplay = function() {
player.onerror = function() {
function release() {
* Call ringtone activity to manage tones.
* @access private
* @memberOf ToneManager.prototype
_manageTonesClickHandler: function tm_manageTonesClickHandler() {
var activity = new MozActivity({
name: 'configure',
data: {
target: 'ringtone'
// We should hopefully never encounter this error, but if we do, it means
// we couldn't find the ringtone app. It also has the happy side effect of
// quieting jshint about not using the `activity` variable.
activity.onerror = function() {
if (this.error.name === 'NO_PROVIDER') {
return function ctor_toneManager() {
return new ToneManager();